Mapping and Geographic Information Systems
“Turn left. Drive ten kilometres more. Turn right. You have now arrived at your destination”. And there you go, guided with almost pinpoint accuracy. Powering the Google Map app that delivers this navigation service to you is a database of geographical data – captured, managed, visualised, and updated in real-time. This service relies on the implementation of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
Esri defines a GIS as a system that creates, manages, analyses and maps all data types. GIS connects data to a map, integrating location data (where things are) with all kinds of descriptive information (what things are like there)—providing a foundation for mapping and analysis used in science and almost every industry.
GIS combines geographic data captured on the earth’s surface and complemented with data from navigation satellites, economic activities and even healthcare reports to establish spatial relationships. The data from GIS helps to understand patterns, relationships, and geographic context, which can be combined to make well-informed decisions.
Career and Industry Opportunities
Farmers use GIS to make informed decisions on how to get the most out of each acre. Many retail businesses use GIS to help them determine where to locate a new store. City planners use GIS to compare population statistics to resources such as drinking water; environmentalists use GIS to track animal-migration patterns. First responders use GIS to help plan their response in the case of natural disasters such as flooding. Finally, civil engineers may use GIS to develop road networks and transportation infrastructure.
GIS is used across many industries where location matters. Leading among these industries are Agribusiness, Construction, Hospitality & Tourism, Insurance, Transportation & Logistics, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Retail & Sales, Oil & Gas, Energy, Sustainability, Healthcare, Aviation, Media, Marketing, and Public Service.
Industry Education Programmes to Get Started
You can get the skills required from the learning resources of the following technology companies:
Competitions and Project Opportunities
Maptober mapping challenge: Mapboxers will deliver live demonstrations that help users leverage the power of vector tiles to create beautiful, performant maps. Learn more.
Internship, Job and Business Opportunities
See employers and innovation opportunities in the Construction, Hospitality & Tourism, Insurance, Transportation & Logistics, Industrials & Manufacturing, Real Estate, Retail & Sales, Oil & Gas, Energy, Sustainability, Healthcare, Aviation, and Media on the Industry Portal.