
Animation, Gaming and Extended Reality


Do you love animated movies such as Moana, Minions and Zootopia? Do you love to play adventure, racing and sports games? Animation technology makes these creations possible in the entertainment and gaming industries. However, its application goes far beyond these domains. Extended Reality (ER) is the combination of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR) and related technologies.

The process of animating three-dimensional objects and characters with motion is known as 3D animation. This technology  has advanced beyond creating visuals to creating immersive experiences. The metaverse, for example, is expected to shape how we connect as humans for living and work.

Career and Industry Opportunities
From Construction, Healthcare to the Hospitality Industry, extended reality technologies span several industries. Many professionals and consumers have embraced them. Other industries where it is used include Sport & Leisure, Automotive, Construction, Manufacturing, Transportation, Retail & Sales, Cybersecurity, and Film and Media industries.

Extended reality is used in the Hospitality and Tourism industry. Customers can take virtual tours of what a location looks like. Game makers also use virtual reality to make their games more realistic. With extended reality, Doctors/Medical practitioners can show patients their surgery plan via virtual reality to see how things will play out. It is used by Engineers, Architects, Game Developers and Filmmakers, among others.

Industry Education Programmes to Get Started
You can get the skills required from the learning resources of the following technology companies:


Unity3D is a leading platform for creating and operating interactive, real-time 3D (RT3D) content...

Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine is a 3D computer graphics game engine developed to bring unique real-time experiences...
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Competitions and Project Opportunities

  • Unity Forma Challenge: This challenge showcases creators’ skills in building an interactive, real-time 3D product configurator using Unity Forma. Learn more

  • Unreal Animation Learning Challenge: This is a chance to win the grand prize. Contestants must create a fully-fledged animated scene using the character rig and audio clip. Learn more.

Internship, Job and Business Opportunities
Find employers and innovation opportunities in Film, Sports and Recreation, Hospitality and Tourism, Construction, Healthcare, Industrial and Manufacturing industries on the Industry portal.

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