
Top Industries for Flexible and Remote Work

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Explore Top Industries for Flexible and Remote Work

Business Support/Corporate Services

Firms that provide outsourced services from auditing, tax and legal advisory, travel bookings, human resources to payroll processing...

Digital Marketing

Providers of services to engage audiences, promote ideas, products and services through digital channels to convert...


Online platforms; that facilitate the online and offline exchange of goods and services while providing mechanisms for trust and value transfer...

Fashion & Lifestyle

Providers and promoters of lifestyle products and services: ranging from clothing, food and drinks, events, luxury brands to arts and culture...


Service providers of digitally-enabled financial services such as advisory, payment, fund transfer, investments, and spending analytics...


Healthcare organisations and practitioners that provide medical and wellness products, services, and solutions for the wellbeing and care of patients...

Hospitality & Tourism

Hotels, event companies, travel and tour providers that manage guest experiences for leisure, business, cultural exchange, education...

Human Resources & Staffing

Business support organisations; that provide workforce solutions ranging from recruitment drives, job placement, training, compensation to exit...

Information Technology

Firms that develop, distribute, implement and manage the operations of; software, hardware, semiconductor components, networks, and delivery of IT services...


Companies that protect individuals and businesses from loss of lives, properties and liabilities by offering and underwriting insurance contracts...

Marketing Communications & Advertising

Firms and agencies; that provide communication solutions to businesses to promote their ideas, products and services, and citizen engagement...


Creatives and companies that make; promote, distribute and sell music, manage royalties, organise live shows, and publicise artists...

Retail & Sales

Distributors, stores, retail chains and outlets, and traders that sell finished products and essential services to individuals and businesses...

Sports & Leisure

Centres and businesses that organise events, provide services, and sell goods for sporting, recreational, fitness, and entertainment purposes...


Network operators, connectivity and value-added service providers; that provide voice, data, messaging, and content services...

Industry Rankings

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Do you need more information on an industry for career opportunities, research project or class study? Find more information on the industry from a Global, African or National perspective in the Industry Profiles.

You can find more information on relevant industry skills, further learning opportunities, employers and much more on each induustry.

You can see the Fast Moving Consumer Goods industry sample.

The Industry Profiles contains a Connect with Alumni menu. You can select your institution from the feature to see your institution’s alumni network in each industry.

You can follow or connect with them on LinkedIn. An introductory note referencing your connection as a student of their alma mater may also enhance the chances they accept your connection requests.

You can access Industry Profiles as one of the sections to explore from your login homepage or visit here. Samples of the industry profiles available in this demo are:

Company Profiles section contains a list of companies across industries. You can access the LinkedIn page of each company from their profiles and see the alumni from your institution that works in each company.

You can access Company Profiles as one of the sections to explore from your login homepage or visit here.

You need a LinkedIn account updated with your status as a student of your institution to enjoy the best of this feature.

Are you interested in doing a project with relevance to a particular industry? You can check out the Industry Profiles for challenges, innovation opportunities, and research areas.   

For a sample, view the Fintech industry.